We are United Methodists and believe in One God, Jesus the son of God, and the Holy Spirit, three in one.
We Believe
that God is love, that all people are welcome and equal in the family of God, and that God is for us, not against us.
in Jesus Christ, the son of God, whose example of radical love we seek to follow.
in the Holy Spirit as God’s constant presence in our lives and our hearts, empowering us to do God’s work.
in the Bible as the fundamental truth of God’s love and grace as revealed by the life of Christ.
that God calls us to actively build the kingdom of God by using our time, money, and talents to serve others.
in forgiveness over sin and judgment.
in the power of prayer.
in feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the homeless, healing the sick, and mending the broken.
that when you truly embrace diversity, you embrace God and kingdom; all are fully welcome regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, occupation, or station in life.